Brain & Mind
Authors Index

Amaral, Júlio Rocha do Limbic System: The Center of Emotions - Mind and Behavior, Number 5
Paranormality or Psychotic Manifestations? - Brain Diseases, Number 6
Drug Abuse - Brain Diseases, Number 8
Placebo Effect: The Power of the Sugar Pill - Mind and Behavior, Number 9
What is the Conditioned Reflex - Mind and Behavior, Number 9
Abstract Thought - Opinion and Discussion, Number 12
Aquino, Tereza Panic Disorder - Brain Diseases, Number 12
Ballone, Geraldo José Psycosis - Brain Diseases, Number 10
Bernik. Vladimir Hypnosis: From Mith to Reality - Technology, Number 1
Stress: The Silent Killer - Brain Diseases, Number 2
Calegaro, Marco Interview with Dr.André Ramos - Opinion and Discussion, Number 10
Cardoso, Silvia Helena Welcome ! - Editorial, Number 1
Brain and Environment - Opinion and Discussion, Number 1
The External Architecture of the Brain - Fundamentals, Number 1
3D Images from the Visible Human Project - Fundamentals, Number 1
Human Memory: What it is and How to Improve It - Mind and Behavior, Number 1
Decade of the Brain: The End of a Beginning - Editorial, Number 2
Brain Ventricles: Our Internal Lake - Fundamentals, Number 2
Hydrocephalus - Brain Diseases, Number 2
Understanding Dreams - Mind and Behavior, Number 2
Remarkable Man-Machine Interactions - Editorial, Number 3
How the Brain Organizes Sexual Behavior - Mind and Behavior, Number 3
Sexual Disorders: Impotence - Brain Diseases, Number 3
What Is Mind ? - Editorial, Number 4
The Impact of Internet on the Neurociences- Editorial, Number 5
Night Terrors - Brain Diseases, Number 6
Interdisciplinarity and the Study of Mind- Opinion and Discussion, Number 6
Neurons: Our Internal Galaxy - Fundamentals, Number 7
The Artistic Mind of a Psychotic - FastFacts, Number 7
The Pleasure System, Drugs and Society - Editorial, Number 8
The Effects of Cocaine in the Brain - Brain Diseases, Number 8
Action of Dopamine - Brain Diseases, Number 8
The Use of Cocaine Causes Brain Lesions - Brain Diseases, Number 8
The Action of Alcohol in the Brain - Brain Diseases, Number 8
Transcending the Tribal Mind - Editorial, Number 9
How Nerve Cells Work Part I - Fundamentals, Number 9
How Nerve Cells Work Part I: Ions, Water and Membranes - Fundamentals, Number 9
How Nerve Cells Work Part I: Diffusion and Membranes - Fundamentals, Number 9
How Nerve Cells Work Part I: Electrical Charge - Fundamentals, Number 9
"Werewolf" - Fast Facts, Number 9
Instinctive Behavior: Fixed Action Patterns - Fast Facts, Number 9
What Make us Singularly Humans? - Editorial, Number 10
How Brain Cells Work. Part II: The Action Potential - Fundamentals, Number 10
How Brain Cells Work. Part II: Simple Reflex - Fundamentals, Number 10
Action of Alcohol in the Brain: Why does alcohol relax? - Mind and Behavior, Number 10
How Native Language Affects Reading Strategies - News, Number 10
Why Einstein Was a Genius? - Editorial, Number 11
Learning and Changes in the Brain - Mind and Behavior, Number 11
The Brain's Growth - Mind and Behavior, Number 11
Kleptomania (pathological stealing) - Brain Diseases, Number 11
Telementoring: New Horizons for Learning on Neurosciences - Editorial, Number 12
Communication Between Nerve Cells - Fundamentals, Number 12

Carneiro, Celeste Art and the brain in the learning process - Opinion and Discussion, Number 12
Chaves, José Biofeedback: The Therapy of 21st Century - Technology, Number 4
Christante de Mello, Luciana How Brain Cells Work. Part II: The Action Potential - Fundamentals, Number 10
Claudio-da-Silva, Tereza Sollero Drug Abuse - Brain Diseases, Number 8
Dalgalarrondo, Paulo Civilization and Insanity - Brain Diseases, Number 1
Fragomeni, José Carlos Emotionality Catapult: A new approach for the study and understanding of human brain - Opinion and Discussion, Number 11
Garcia-Cairasco, Norberto Integrative Physiology in the Era of Molecular Biology [In Portuguese only] - Opinion, Number 7.
The Brain and the Visual Arts - Opinion, Number 10
Gomez-Placencia, Jesus Epilepsy in Childhood - Brain Diseases, Number 4
King, Michael W. Neurotransmitters: Diversity and Functions - Fundamentals, Number 12
Martins de Oliveira, Jorge Perception and Reality - Opinion and Discussion, Number 4
Limbic System: The Center of Emotions - Mind and Behavior, Number 5
Paranormality or Psychotic Manifestations? -Brain Diseases, Number 6
Reward Deficiency Syndrome- Brain Diseases, Number 8
Abstract Thought - Opinion and Discussion, Number 12
Masci, Cyro Phobias: When Fear is a Disease- Brain Diseases, Number 5
Menna-Barreto, Luiz Clocks and Rhythms - Mind and Behavior, Number 4
Montagno, Elson A. Brain: What For ? - Opinion and Discussion, Number 1
Memory and Consciousness - Opinion and Discussion, Number 1
Consciousness - Opinion and Discussion, Number 2
Learning When We Are Young - Opinion and Discussion, Number 3
Good-Bye, Sir Eccles - Opinion and Discussion, Number 3
Radiosurgery - Technology, Number 2
Pinto, Argos de Arruda The Material Basis of Feelings - Opinion and Discussion, Number 12
Rodini, Elaine S. de Oliveira Down's Syndrome: Characteristics and Etiology - Brain Diseases, Number 4
Sabbatini, Renato M.E. The PET Scan: A New Window into the Brain - Technology, Number 1
Phrenology: The History of Brain Localization - History, Number 1
Radiosurgery - Technology, Number 2
The History of Psychosurgery - History, Number 2
Mapping the Brain - Technology, Number 3
Sexual Disorders: Impotence - Brain Diseases, Number 3
The History of Shock Therapy in Psychiatry - History, Number 4
Night Terrors - Brain Diseases, Number 6
Interdisciplinarity and the Study of Mind- Opinion and Discussion, Number 6
The Discovery of Bioelectricity- History, Number 6
Interview with Marvin Minsky: Artificial Intelligence, Emotions and the Brain - Number 7
The Psychopath's Brain - Brain Diseases, Number 7
The Pleasure System, Drugs and Society - Editorial, Number 8
The Effects of Cocaine in the Brain - Brain Diseases, Number 8
Action of Dopamine - Brain Diseases, Number 8
The Use of Cocaine Causes Brain Lesions - Brain Diseases, Number 8
The Action of Alcohol in the Brain - Brain Diseases, Number 8
How Nerve Cells Work Part I - Fundamentals, Number 9
How Nerve Cells Work Part I: Ions, Water and Membranes - Fundamentals, Number 9
How Nerve Cells Work Part I: Diffusion and Membranes - Fundamentals, Number 9
How Nerve Cells Work Part I: Electrical Charge - Fundamentals, Number 9
"Werewolf" - Fast Facts, Number 9
Placebo Effect: The Power of the Sugar Pill - Mind and Behavior, Number 9
What is the Conditioned Reflex - Mind and Behavior, Number 9
Imitation of Life: A History of the First Robots - History, Number 9
What Make us Singularly Humans? - Editorial, Number 10
How Brain Cells Work. Part II: The Action Potential - Fundamentals, Number 10
How Brain Cells Work. Part II: Simple Reflex - Fundamentals, Number 10
Action of Alcohol in the Brain: Why does alcohol relax? - Mind and Behavior, Number 10
How Native Language Affects Reading Strategies - News, Number 10
Learning and Changes in the Brain - Mind and Behavior, Number 11
Are There Differences between the Brains of Males and Females? - Mind and Behavior, Number 11
Evolution of Inteligence - Mind and Behavior, Number 12
Mind and disease - Brain Diseases, Number 12
Spriggs, Willian A. What is Evolutionary Psychology?- Opinion and Discussion, Number 11
Strejilevich, Sergio Brain and Conciousness: Interview with Rodolfo Llinás- Opinion and Discussion, Number 6
Souza, Aguinaldo R. Down's Syndrome: Characteristics and Etiology - Brain Diseases, Number 4
Tafner, Malcon Anderson Sleep, Its Architecture And Monitoration - Mind and Behavior, Number 12
Vanrell, Jorge Paulete Maltreatment in Childhood - Brain Diseases, Number 4

An Initiative:
Teleneurosciences Center

© 1997 The Edumed Institute

Silvia Helena Cardoso, PhD
Founder and Editor-In-Chief