This section has the aim of providing a space for short articles of opinion on philosophic and scientific matters, interviews and discussions about issues related to brain and mind.
Number 12: January - April, 2001
Art and the brain in the learning process - Celeste Carneiro
Abstract Thought - Jorge Martins de Oliveira, MD, PhD and Julio Rocha do Amaral, MD
The Material Basis of Feelings - Argos de Arruda Pinto
Number 11: October - December, 2000
Emotionality Catapult: A new approach for the study and understanding of human brain - José Carlos Fragomeni, MD
What is Evolutionary Psychology?
- William A. Spriggs
Number 10: January - March, 2000
The Brain and the Visual Arts
- Norberto Garcia-Cairasco, PhD
Behavioral Genetics: Interview with Dr.André Ramos - Directed by Dr. Marco Calegaro
Number 7: September-November, 1998
Interview: Marvin Minsky, the Brain and Artificial Intelligence - Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD
Number 6: June-August, 1998
Interdisciplinarity and the Study of Mind
- Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD and Silvia Helena Cardoso, PhD
Brain and Conciousness: Interview with Rodolfo Llinás - Sergio Strejilevich, MD
Number 5: March - May, 1998
- Jorge Martins de Oliveira, MD, PhD
Number 4: December, 1997- March, 1998
Perception and Reality
- Jorge Martins de Oliveira, MD, PhD
Interview with Ivan Izquierdo: Memory
- EI. Brusco, D. Golombek & S. Strejilevich
Number 3: September-December, 1997
Good Bye, Sir Eccles
- Dr.Elson de Araújo Montagno, MD, PhD
Learning When We Are Young
- Dr.Elson de Araújo Montagno, MD, PhD
Number 2: June-August, 1997
- Dr. Elson de Araújo Montagno, MD, PhD
Number 1 - March-May, 1997
Brain and Environment
- Dr. Silvia Helena Cardoso, PhD
Brain: What For?
- Dr.Elson de Araújo Montagno, MD, PhD
Memory and Consciousness
- Dr. Elson de Araújo Montagno, MD, PhD
for Biomedical Informatics
The Edumed Institute,
Copyright Silvia Helena Cardoso 1997 State University of Campinas