Index of Biographies
In the Neurosciences
Brain & Mind Magazine
Section Editor: Renato M.E. Sabbatini, PhD
Index of Papers of the Section on the History of Neuroscience
- Paul Pierre Broca, French physician
and anthropologist
- Harvey William Cushing, American
- Franz Joseph Gall, German physician
- Victor A.H. Horsley, British neurosurgeon
and physiologist
- Lars Leksell, Swedish neurosurgeon
- Cesare Lombroso, Italian physician
- Egas Moniz, Portuguese neurologist
- Ugo Cerletti, Italian neurologist
- Julius Wagner von Jauregg, Austrian neurologist
- Manfred Sakel,
Polish neurologist
- René Descartes, French philosopher and mathematician
- Thomas Willis, British anatomist and physiologist
- Claude Bernard, French physiologist
- David Ferrier, British physiologist
and neurologist
Brain & Mind Magazine
Silvia Helena Cardoso, Editor-in-Chief
Teleneurosciences Center
Copyright Silvia Helena Cardoso © 1997-2004 The Edumed Institute, Brazil