An excellent WWW interactive tutorial on PET fundamentals. It has also a multimedia version, LPP-Shocked, in Multimedia Shockwave, the multimedia plugin for a WWW browser, which must be downloaded and installed before viewing it. There is also a CD-ROM for Windows and Mac, which can be ordered via the Internet from the Crump Institute for Biological Imaging (UCLA).
A simple and easy to read tutorial by the Institute for Clinical PET.
A public awareness program of the US Society for Nuclear Medicine, with many facts about PET diagnostic tests, the difference in relation to other radiological image techniques, etc., in plain layperson's lanuage.
A well written and thorough technical tutorial on PET, written by Robyn J. Mullen, as a chapter to the multimedia texbook Biological Engineering Applications, a project the North Carolina State University's Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.
Very technical series of PowerPoint slides on PET imaging and clinical applications, by the Center for Positron Emission Tomography, by the State University of New York at Buffalo Medical School / Department of Nuclear Medicine
The PET Brain Atlas is designed to be a resource and educational tool to teach it's users how to read and interpret various types of brain PET studies. Includes more than 100 actual patient cases, with admission report, PET, MRI and CT images. It is part of the Nuclear Medicine Mediabook. Requires the Shockwave and RealAudio plugins. By the Crump Institute for Biological Imaging, UCLA.
An excellent guide for the physician, full of clinical details. Written by Dr. Thomas Allen, as a chapter of the on-line book "Review and Reference Notes on Nuclear Medicine", edited by Dr. Scott C. Williams and Christopher C. May (University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio)
The Crump Institute for Biological Imaging, Dept. of Pharmacology, University of California at Los Angeles
This is the research department where several early investigations were done on PET's potential to make images of the working brain, by Dr. Phelps. It has a very good explanation on how PET works, and a Let's Play PET, multimedia tutorial.
Institute for Clinical PET
The Institute for Clinical PET (ICP) is a non-profit educational foundation founded in January of 1991 and is dedicated to promoting the use of PET in clinical studies. The website includes a complete list of all PET sites currently in operation in the world, a list of PET equipment and service providers and a list of studies demonstrating the cost-effectiveness of PET.
Positron Emission Tomography
This is the home page of the leading manufacturer of PET-related products in the world. It is owned by Siemens, the giant German/multinational enterprise. It includes a simple explanation on PET as well as a map and a list of PET sites installed by CTI in the world.
From: The PET Scan: A New Window Into the
By: Renato M.E. Sabbatini,
In: Brain & Mind Magazine, March 1997.