. Em Português

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 Founder and Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Silvia Helena Cardoso
(see her contact at her webpage)

ISSN 1414-3690

Current Issue

Neurons and Synapses: The History of its Discovery
Brain Development and Learning 
What is Synesthesia?
Opinion: Do Animals Think?
Opinion: The Future of Brain Research
Opinion: Mind, Brain and Psychological Practice

Additional paper in Portuguese:

Hallucinations and Delusions in Psychopathology

Reader's Comments

"I just discovered your magazine and I find its content fascinating,
and its scope impressive. Excellent work! "
David Mittelman, Ph.D, Clinical Psychologist, Michigan, USA


"I very much like your Editorial What is Mind? I'd like to quote some of it in my new book."

Marvin Minsky - Author of Society of Minds
Full Professor of MIT (Massachussets Institute of Technology, Boston)

See more Reader's Comments

Number 1 (1997)
Architecture of the Brain
Human Memory: What It Is and How to Improve It
Brain and Environment
Brain: What For ?
Medical Hypnosis
The PET Scan
Civilization and Insanity
The History of Phrenology
3D images from the Visible Humann

Number 2
Brain Ventricles
History of Psychosurgery
Opinion: Conciousness
Decade of the Brain
Brainstorming: Intelligence/Autism/Stuttering
Brain Sections from the Visible Human

Number 3
Editorial: Remarkable Man-Machine Interactions
How the Brain Organizes Sexual Behavior
Sexual Disorders: Impotence
Sexo: Tire Suas Dúvidas
Mapping the Brain
Stress: The Silent Killer
Learning When We Are Young
Good Bye, Sir Eccles
Brainstorming: Brain and Cocaine, and others

Number 4 
Editorial: What is Mind ?
Clocks and Rhythms
Maltreatment in Childhood
Images of Violence in Children
Epilepsy in Childhood
Down Syndrome
Perception and Reality
History of Shock Therapy
Brainstorming: Capacity of the Brain

Number 5
Editorial: The Impact of Internet on the Neurociences
Limbic System: The Center of Emotions
Phobias: When Fear is a Disease

Number 6
Editorial: Interdisciplinarity and The Study of Mind
Paranormality or Psychotic Manifestations?
Night Terrors
The Discovery of Bioelectricity
Consciousness and the Brain: Interview with R. Llinás

Number 7
Neurons: Our Internal Galaxy
Gallery of Neurons
Fast Facts: The Artistic Mind of a Psychotic
Interview: Marvin Minsky, the Brain and Artificial Intelligence
The Psychopat's Brain

Number 8
Editorial: The Pleasure System, Drugs and Society
Effects of Cocaine in the Brain. See the Animations
Cocaine Causes Brain Lesions
Reward Deficiency Syndrome
Videoclips: Stimulation of Brain Pleasure Centers
Drug Abuse
Effects of Alcohol in the Brain See: Animation
Interesting Links on Drug Abuse
Discussion: Sleep Deprivation

Number 9
Editorial: Transcending the Tribal Mind
How Nerve Cells Work Part I:
- Ions, Water and Membranes
Diffusion and Membranes
Electrical Charge
FastFacts: Instinctive Behavior - Fixed Action Patterns
Placebo Effect: The Power of the Sugar Pill
What is the Conditioned ReflexA History of the First Robots Thoughts

Number 10
Editorial:What Make us Singularly Humans?
How Brain Cells Work. Part II
Illustration of the month: Simple Reflex
The Brain and  the Visual Arts
Thought: Image mapping
News: Action of Alcohol in the Brain Why does alcohol relax?
News: How Native Language Affects Reading Strategies
Neuroscience Art Gallery: New Exhibition
Interview: Behavioral Genetics [In Portuguese only]

Number 11
Editorial: Why Einstein Was a Genius?
Learning and Changes in the Brain
The Brain's Growth
Differences between Male and Female Brain
Opinion: Emotionality Catapult
Opinion: What is Evolutionary Psychology?

Number 12
Editorial:Telementoring: New Horizons for learning on Neurosciences
The Evolution of Intelligence
Communication Between Nerve Cells
Neurotransmiters: Diversity and Functions
Panic Disorder
Opinion: Art and Brain in Learning Process
Opinion: Mind and Disease
Opinion: Abstract Thought
Opinion: The Material Basis of Feelings
Gallery. Current exhibition: Art by Psychotics

Number 13
Our  Ancient Laughing Brain
The Evolution of Intelligence (Part II)
Behavioral Experiment: The Vital Needs of Babies
Behavioral Experiment: Drugged Spiders
Curiosity: Why Don't We Act Out During Our Sleep ?
Image of the Month: Neurotransmission
Opinion: The Material Basis of Feelings II
Telementoring: Placebo Effect and Bach's Remedies
Book Review:  Philosophy in the Fleshh

Number 14
Imprinting: Learning who is your mother
Improving brain function
Inside the Mind of a Suicide Bomber
Brain and Chaos: When Two Giants Meet
Lateralization of emotion
Stroke and Neuroplasticity

Number 15
Why the image of a baby is so enchanting?
Sleep, Dreams and Health
Evolution of human intelligence and inhibition
Music and the brain
Our feelings. Why do we have them?
Interview: It's no laughing matter [New Scientist]
O poder do riso (In Portuguese)
A plasticidade cerebral na fisioterapia (In Portuguese)
A Psicobiologia da Impotência (In Portuguese)
Lateralidade, percepção e cognição (In Portuguese)
Comportamentos Compulsivos (In Portuguese)
Estimulação Cerebral Externa (In Portuguese)

Number 16

The Animal That Weeps
Perception and Illusions
Optical Illusions Gallery
Models of  Attention
The Mistery of the Senses
Opinion: Optimizing Brain Function
News: Scientists See Memory Creation
News: Eating Less May Protect Nerve Cells
Question of the month: Epilepsy

Em Português [In Portuguese only]:
Espíritos, Cérebros e Mentes 
Ciúme Patológico
Opinião: A Importância do Sono
Pergunta: Planet Hemp e Abuso de Drogas
Artigos Clássicos: Três Dias Para Ver (Helen Keller)

A publication of e*pub
Teleneurosciences Center
The Edumed Institute, Brazil
Copyright Silvia Helena Cardoso 1997-2003

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