Current Exhibition

Optical Illusions
Selected  by S. H. Cardoso and  organized by Rosana Camuri

Past Exhibitions
Choose the gallery you want to see

Animal Babies
  By Silvia Helena Cardoso
July, 2002

The Social Milieu Of Madness
Selected  by S. H. Cardoso and  organized by L. Marin

February, 2001

Art & Psychosis
Selected  by S. H. Cardoso and  organized by L. Marin
December, 2000

Art & Psychiatry

     By V. Koen, Artist February, 2000

Pieces of Neurophysiology

  By A.. L. Malavazzi, Artist January, 2000


Neurons of Fear and Defense
By Dr. N. C. Coimbra, MD, PhD, Neuroscientist
September, 98

Brainscapes and  Behavior
By Dr. N. G.Cairasco, PhD, Neuroscientist, Artist

              April, 1998

Psychosis of a Schizophrenic Artist
By L. Wain, 1860-l939

By Christopher J. Barnaby
September, 2001

International Citations to Neuroscience Art Gallery

Dr. Silvia Helena Cardoso, PhD

Universidade Estadual de Campinas
State University of Campinas - Brazil