Cocaine Arrives in the Brain
When cocaine arrives at the brain reward system, it blocks
the dopamine transport sites, which are responsible for the reuptake of
dopamine in dopaminergic synapeses in this region. Therefore, dopamine
is not removed from the synaptic gap, and it remains free there, in ever
increasing amounts, because successive nervous stimuli continue to arrive
and to release dopamine. The effect remains until cocaine is removed from
the presynaptic terminals. It is believed that the abnormally long presence
of dopamine in the brain is responsible for the pleasure effects associated
to the use of cocaine. The prolonged use of cocaine makes the brain to
adapt to it, and the overall synthesis of dopamine by the neurons is decreased.
Between cocaine doses, or when the use of cocaine is interrupted, the drug
user experiences the opposite of pleasure, due to the low levels of dopamine:
fatigue, depression and altered moods.
See also the paper Cocaine. In:
Drug Abuse
Animation Sequence
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Brain & Mind
Magazine 3(8), Jan/March 1999
An Initiative of the Center for Biomedical
Copyright (c) 1998 State University of Campinas, Brazil
Published on 18/Jan/1998
URL: http://www.epub.org.br/cm/n08/doencas/drugs/anim1_i.htm